Papa Snoz, Cami Helmuth

Acrylic on Dried Palm Frond

13” x 30” x 5”

“During the Covid-19 quarantine, I discovered a new substrate to paint on— dried palm fronds! Santa Barbara is blessed with so many different varieties of palms, and the discarded fronds often have so much personality. So I started painting on them! “Papa Snoz” is one of my favorites so far. He has such soulful eyes and a peaceful expression. This frond just screamed "Paint an elephant face on me!" when I found it. So I did. I have to glaze the frond art with several coats of varnish to protect the art and allow outdoor displaying. The result is a smooth, shiny finish. I particularly like to keep the edges natural. The fringe on the edges give the piece more character, I think. I find painting on natural surfaces such as fronds to be a really spiritual experience. These are just another of God's natural canvases, and I feel honored to be allowed to create art on them.”

–Cami Helmuth

About My Art

I love to create unique memories of clients' most cherished people, places or fur babies in their favorite settings, with their favorite toys, or doing their favorite things. I find such joy in what I do. I find that creating art using my God-given talent brings me a sense of peace and purpose, and I feel so blessed to be able to share my creations with my clients and community.

About the Artist

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Cami is an active member of the Santa Barbara Art Association, the Goleta Valley Art Association, the Santa Barbara Visual Artists Group and Southern California Artists Painting for the Environment (SCAPE).

She specializes in acrylics, mixed media and watercolors. She also creates Pebble Pets©, Memorial Pebble Pets© and custom-painted dried palm fronds, all glazed for indoor/outdoor display.

You can find more samples of Cami’s work or reach her regarding future projects via her website: